Using Data as a Driving Force
for Performance Management

Data has become an inescapable tool to facilitate the management of your performance and optimise your business processes.
Nowadays, companies handle a significant amount of data that comes from various information systems, but it is hard to know how to choose the best practices to optimise their use and exploitation.
Have a look at the various approaches we promote to optimise your performance thanks to data.

We work in close collaboration with CIOs and IT Departments, helping them to optimise the management of their business activities or structuring processes/projects.

Valorising data: ensuring the achievement of your objectives

Based on our experience, we are convinced that still too few companies are making optimal use of the knowledge capital represented by the enormous amount of data that they generate and manipulate daily. To maximise the benefits of this untapped resource, implementing a proactive approach to generate as much value as possible from their data is essential for these companies.
Be it Management, Marketing, ISD, or ISSM (Information Systems Security Manager) … each company’s department can benefit from making a smarter use of the information at their disposal. Projects related to data valorisation become an essential steering lever.
Information thus becomes a facilitator for efficient and timely decision making and allows for a strong

Turning the dormant data
into business assets

The establishment of indicators, dashboards, reports, or any other kind of document based on the data available in the information systems is a key management and decision-making element, at every executive level and in every functional area of the company.

The result of a well-managed valuation

For a company, the result of a well-conducted data valorisation process can be found in many areas through multiple and multifaced gains, regardless of the business sector:

  • Facilitating the decision-making process (bettering its speed and relevance) to, for instance, gain competitive advantage;
  • Identifying the roots of the organisation’s problems and optimising their resolution;
  • • Detecting anomalies and implementing the appropriate corrective measures as soon as possible.

Our Methodology is divided into 4 stages

Deriving value from your data involves multiple steps:

Characterise and identify

  • Analyse the needs and define the objectives: what, why, how, for whom, and at what organisational level (strategic, operational, tactical);
  • Identify the stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities;
  • Identify the types of data that are needed to achieve your goals;
  • Identify which data sources are known, available, and reliable (internal, external, private, semi-public, public);
  • Detect the additional necessary data sources (e.g., data that is not yet stored);
  • Use structured or non-structured data, also known as “unprocessed” or “pre-processed”.

Collect and stock

Depending on the data needed and the data sources selected:

  • Develop and configure the tools used for data collection in accordance with the selected vectors, and secure those:
    • Duplication and dispatch (push) of data elements, such as logs
    • Collection (pull) by means of APIs
    • Scheduled processing batches
    • Access management and flow encryption
  • Manage storage and security capacities:
    • Targeted, minimal data collection
    • Data lake
    • Classification, access management, data encryption, or legislative, regulatory, and contractual aspects

Handle and exploit

This phase is one of the most important: it must ensure the exploitability of the results. The way that the conclusions of the first three phases are structured and shared is essential: they should always be highly intelligible, so as to allow for the best decisions possible to be made. This phase therefore includes:

  • Making sure that the medium, the data, the modes of graphic representation, and the figures are intelligible and adapted to the audience;
  • Choosing the proper tools for analysis restitution;
  • Defining the right modalities for presentation and distribution of the conclusions.

Mettre en forme et restituer

Souvent sous-estimée, cette phase est une des plus importante car elle doit permettre l’exploitabilité des résultats. Le mode de restitution se doit de mettre en lumière les éléments importants et permettre une compréhension rapide et la prise des bonnes décisions. Cette phase va donc comprendre :

  • Le choix des supports de présentation, des informations présentées, des modes de représentation, des tableaux adaptés aux différents publics ;
  • Le développement et configuration de l’outillage de restitution ;
  • La définition des modalités de présentation et de diffusion.

What we offer

Understanding Your Need

We bring our expertise and experience towards understanding your needs, and offering you the best state-of-the-art solutions. This includes:

  • Supporting the definition of Your needs
  • Supporting the identification of the most appropriate data sources
  • Supporting the identification of the appropriate tools

Defining a collection process
and analysing the data

  • Identifying the stakeholders and their roles
  • Structuring the supporting processes and their sub-sequences

Producing and contributing to the continuous improvement of various elements, including

  • Producing indicators, dashboards, and reports
  • Questioning and optimising

Preparing for the handover

  • Producing and adapting the tools and media developed
  • Helping through the structuration of analyses and discourses


  • Aligner la stratégie cybersécurité avec la stratégie générale de l’entreprise
  • Définir les orientations stratégiques en tenant compte des principaux risques de l’entreprise et du niveau de maturité en Cybersécurité
  • Sensibiliser le Top management et porter un budget proportionné aux enjeux / risques à couvrir
  • Anticiper l’innovation et incarner un rôle de business enabler
  • Assurer une stratégie de sourcing pertinente et définir une GPEC sur la filière cybersécurité


  • Proposer une cybergouvernance cohérente avec l’organisation de l’entreprise pour accompagner la transformation de l’espace numérique
  • Contribuer à mettre en œuvre une comitologie autour de la gouvernance de la donnée
  • Piloter la feuille de route stratégique et veiller à l’atteinte des objectifs clés
  • Définir les rôles et responsabilités des différent.e.s acteur.rice.s de la protection du patrimoine informationnel
  • Assurer la conformité
  • Elaborer le référentiel SSI (politique générale, politiques thématiques, …)
  • Piloter les actions de contrôle et d’amélioration

Excellence opérationnelle

  • Définir l’organisation de cyber-résilience et assurer la sécurité des opérations
  • Veiller à une démarche d’intégration de la sécurité dans les projets et les initiatives digitales
  • Élaborer le référentiel Opérationnel de Cybersécurité (niveau de sécurité du catalogue de services IT, notes de sécurité, processus, procédures et outillage)
  • Être sponsor et piloter les programmes de sécurité
  • Accompagner à la mise en conformité RGPD de l’entreprise et des grands projets

Sensibilisation et Formation

  • En cohérence avec la GPEC, s’assurer de la prise en compte des besoins de formation spécifique cybersécurité
  • Assurer une sensibilisation à la cybersécurité adaptée et récurrente pour l’ensemble des populations ayant accès aux systèmes d’information


Accompagner les métiers et SI dans la sécurisation de leurs programmes, notamment dans les domaines suivants :

  • SI industriel
  • Innovations technologiques (IoT, IA)
  • Connectivités critiques

Discover some of our success stories

Management of Anti-money Laundering Solution

VONA supported its client in implementing an anti-money laundering solution.