Get to know our expertise in « Security »
As a consulting firm, we can implement the most suitable security solutions to protect your ecosystem against malicious acts.
We work closely with CISOs, IT Departments and general services departments to help them meet the challenges of protecting their physical assets and their users.
Our commitment in favour of a strong and resilient ecosystem
We are convinced that enhancing security is critical for organisations’ development and the protection of both informational and physical assets in France and abroad.
We support businesses and their projects from end-to-end so as to establish and promote a strong and resilient ecosystem capable of handling today’s security issues in a changing geopolitical environment.
New technology to improve security
We believe that technologies can play an important part in furthering the security of buildings, data, and people. Those security needs can include our client’s internal infrastructure, as well as the spaces made accessible to their own customers. That is why, we have put effort towards gaining experience in the security field, through collaborating with trusted partners and getting acquainted with new technologies.
Our support services
Amongst the most commonplace security measures with which we support our clients, we can include:
- Video surveillance;
- Remote surveillance;
- Anti-intrusion;
- Access control.
We also assist our clients in training their employees on safety procedures.
How We Proceed
Implementing an effective security strategy can be challenging, but it is crucial to secure assets, employees, and clients. The support we provide is based on the following axes:
- Understanding the client’s business operations and activities.
- Recognising their challenges and constraints, and assessing their current security level.
- Gathering the clients’ needs.
- Analysing their risks and their criticality.
- Assessing the current cyber maturity and what remains to be done.
- Drawing upan actionplan and a roadmap.
- Putting a security plan in place, tailored to the issues at stake (internal/external).
- Learning to both anticipate and respond
- Documenting
- Providing greater overall visibility
- Producing KPIs
- Implementing the right security measures according to the identified priorities
- Strengthening your autonomy
- Discussing potential new needs
- Training employees on security precautions
- Consistently monitoring security systems
- Detecting any systemic failures
- Keeping your equipment in excellent functional condition
Our approach
The implementation of an effective approach to security and defence can be challenging, but protecting assets, employees and clients remain essential for companies.
- Understanding the client’s business operations and activities
- Understanding the stakes and constraints, including both internal or external (clients’/users’) needs
- Bring relevance
- Analysing risks
It is crucial to carry out a thorough assessment of the security risks involved. This may entail looking for infrastructure vulnerabilities, considering potential dangers to staff and clients/users, gathering data on security history and vandalism, and so forth.
- Assessing your current cyber maturity and what remains to be done
- Building an action plan and a roadmap
- Planning the actions identified
A security and defence plan should be implemented based on the results of the risk analysis. This plan should include precise procedures to prevent security issues, detect intrusions or attempted attacks, and respond to occurrences.
- Learning to both anticipate and respond
- Documenting
- Providing greater overall visibility
- Producing meaningful KPIs
- Implementing relevant security measures
The implementation of security measures should be undertaken according to the priorities identified in the plan. This may include the installation of security systems such as video surveillance, access control, or anti-intrusion systems.
- Strengthening your autonomy
- Discussing potential new needs
- Training stakeholders
Once the security measures are implemented, it is essential to train employees about the operating procedures. This may include training sessions for the use of security equipment, incident simulations, etc.
- Monitoring and maintaining
Finally, it is important to regularly monitor security systems to detect any failures and maintain the equipment in good operating conditions.
- Aligner la stratégie cybersécurité avec la stratégie générale de l’entreprise
- Définir les orientations stratégiques en tenant compte des principaux risques de l’entreprise et du niveau de maturité en Cybersécurité
- Sensibiliser le Top management et porter un budget proportionné aux enjeux / risques à couvrir
- Anticiper l’innovation et incarner un rôle de business enabler
- Assurer une stratégie de sourcing pertinente et définir une GPEC sur la filière cybersécurité
- Proposer une cybergouvernance cohérente avec l’organisation de l’entreprise pour accompagner la transformation de l’espace numérique
- Contribuer à mettre en œuvre une comitologie autour de la gouvernance de la donnée
- Piloter la feuille de route stratégique et veiller à l’atteinte des objectifs clés
- Définir les rôles et responsabilités des différent.e.s acteur.rice.s de la protection du patrimoine informationnel
- Assurer la conformité
- Elaborer le référentiel SSI (politique générale, politiques thématiques, …)
- Piloter les actions de contrôle et d’amélioration
Excellence opérationnelle
- Définir l’organisation de cyber-résilience et assurer la sécurité des opérations
- Veiller à une démarche d’intégration de la sécurité dans les projets et les initiatives digitales
- Élaborer le référentiel Opérationnel de Cybersécurité (niveau de sécurité du catalogue de services IT, notes de sécurité, processus, procédures et outillage)
- Être sponsor et piloter les programmes de sécurité
- Accompagner à la mise en conformité RGPD de l’entreprise et des grands projets
Sensibilisation et Formation
- En cohérence avec la GPEC, s’assurer de la prise en compte des besoins de formation spécifique cybersécurité
- Assurer une sensibilisation à la cybersécurité adaptée et récurrente pour l’ensemble des populations ayant accès aux systèmes d’information
Accompagner les métiers et SI dans la sécurisation de leurs programmes, notamment dans les domaines suivants :
- SI industriel
- Innovations technologiques (IoT, IA)
- Connectivités critiques